“Now tell me na kasalanan parin naming mga babae na kaya kami nababastos dahil sa mga suot namin.” Fully Clothed Woman Smashes ‘Victim Blaming’ with Her Encounter!

A netizen posts her scary encounter with another pervert in the streets of Manila. Public transportation has another prowler and the woman is not letting this be another “victim-blaming” case. Right at the beginning of her post, she says:

“Now tell me na kasalanan parin naming mga babae na kaya kami nababastos dahil sa mga suot namin.”

The woman describes her outfit. She was wearing pants, that means she has covered legs. She also was wearing a round neck sleeveless blouse, meaning that no cleavage was seen and her tummy wasn’t exposed. Although it was sleeveless, she was wearing an oversized jacket that covered any skin that was left exposed.

The woman recounts that she was on her way to class. She rode a van at 2 pm from Molino Boulevard, Bacoor, Cavite to Adamson University. This was on a Saturday because she had a weekend class. Next thing she knew this guy was staring at her. Unfortunately, she had to sit next to him.

On the ride, the woman thought that the man was just crossing his arms. It was a normal thing to do even though he was using so much space. But then the man starts to squirm and couldn’t hold still. She let it go, not wanting to be judgmental.

But when the van reached the toll gate, the man then turned aggressive. His hand that was captured on video trying to get in between woman’s arm and body to get to her chest. The video she posted was the worst, according to her. The man’s hand was slowly creeping from her arm to her breast. It was also his second attempt to harass this poor student.

She then says in her post that women must be cautious of this man. The woman still cannot shake the fear she felt during the ordeal. but she posted a full shot of what she was wearing and she was seriously covered up. This was proof that perverts don’t choose their targets based on a girl’s clothes.

Let us instill the fact that it is always the predator’s fault when he decides to do this to someone. Regardless if a woman’s drunk, silent, or scantily clothed. If you do not have consent, keep your dirty hands off.
